Join Guest Instructor Ashley Cozart of Cozart Wholistic Wellness on 6/10/18 at 3 pm for
#selfcaresunday at Sankofa Creations Spalon & Wellness.
$15 - Includes meditation, herbal womb tea blend and a chance to win a 30 minute V Steam Session.
Physical Benefits to Womb Steaming:
~Detoxes the whole body
~Increases energy
~Clearer Skin
~Increases Fertility
~Helps with female reproductive issues
~Sooths menstrual cycle pains and cramps
~Helps with infections
Spiritual Benefits to Womb Steaming:
~Inspires clarity and quiet mindfulness
~Connects you to the source of all creation through your organ of creation
~Enhances creativity and problem solving
~Takes you into deeper alpha and theta brain wave states for deep soul level healing